Physical Therapy and Wellness, PLLC
Ultrasound and Lymphatic drainage
for Blocked Milk Ducts
$140 for a session (up to 1 hour) inside our Post Falls, ID office.
Mon-Sun available!
Kailie has created a video on how to perform a self lymphatic drainage to clear a clogged milk duct from home! Often this is all it takes! Cost is $40. If you still need an ultrasound afterwards, Kailie will take $30 off the regular ultrasound price of $140
-Purchase here…
Please Text Kailie directly to get the video or schedule an ultrasound! (509-385-7284).
You will be assessed for fever and signs of acute infection prior to treatment.
fever over 101.3, body aches, hot inflamed breast, other.​
Please bring your baby/infant with you so that you can breastfeed after the session.
Lavigne, V.J. Gleberzon, B.(2012). Ultrasound as a treatment of mammary blocked duct among 25 postpartum lactating women: a retrospective case series. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, volume (11), pages 170-178.
Definition: "when the breast has an area of localized milk stasis."
Signs and symptoms: breast engorgement, localized tender breast lump or blushed color, breast may feel hot, white and painful bleb on the end of the nipple, painful and difficult lactation.
Causes: insufficient emptying of breast; not positioning the nursing baby properly on the breast; waiting too long between feedings; supplementing nursing with bottle feeding; use of pacifier; tugging, pulling or twisting of the nipple by the infant; carrying heavy front-holding infant carriers, heavy purses or diaper bags; wearing bras that are too tight.
2/3 of breastfeeding women experience blocked ducts.
This article demonstrated that 1-7 sessions of ultrasound with an average of 3.3 sessions resolved symptoms (pain and breast lump) in 34 instances reviewed. 10 women only required 1 session and 13 only needed 2 sessions.
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Ultrasound is applied using the head of an ultrasound probe that is placed directly in contact with your skin via a transmission coupling gel.
The ultrasound waves that pass through the skin cause a vibration of the local soft tissues which can cause deep heating locally. It's like a deep warm compress plus an electric toothbrush right to the blocked duct!!!!!