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Physical Therapy and Wellness, PLLC
What We Treat:
(this is not a complete list, but some of the most common!)
-Hypermobility spectrum disorders (ehlers danlos syndrome)
-Daytime pee or poop leakage, skid marks
-Urgency to pee or peeing all the time
-Frequent bladder infections (UTI)
-Potty training concerns
-My child only poops in a diaper
-My child was potty trained and now has accidents
-My child has a "small bladder" (goes pee all the time)
-Megacolon or rectum-pooping XXL poops that clog the toilet
-Rectal prolapse
-Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
-Core strengthening
*The earlier (3-18 years) you can start treatment the better!
*Don't assume your child will "grow out of it," some don't.
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